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Susan Waller presents at the association for perioperative practice

Susan Waller presents at the association for perioperative practice

Sue Waller works at University Hospital of North Tees and is part of the NHS Implant Analysis Service. Her experience in working in theatres gives her expert insight that makes her an engaging speaker and advocate. Here she recounts her recent experience at the AfPP conference where she delivered a well-received talk on this new service…

On the run up to the Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP) conference I enjoyed the collaboration with a brilliant colleague to make the Power Point slides happen and then the words to go along with them then make it all make sense to me for starters, let alone people who are new to this. With my theatre nurse background I needed to get it understandable for all those working within that environment. My aim was to educate, inform and empower. I rehearsed in front of many different colleagues and “lucky” family members who gave me great insight into how it was being received and any improvements to be made.

Then the day arrived…

 I was welcomed by members of the AfPP warmly. They were very helpful and put me at my ease. I could not have asked for more. I sat in the session before mine to gain a feel as to how things work. I also learned new things there too.

My slides were locked and loaded ready to go. The conference ran to time really well. Speakers were asked to be prompt and we were.

The NHS implant Analysis service is a subject I am passionate about. It is patient centred and so important to the future for our patient’s safety. I am happy to talk to anyone about it and really do feel that it is a service that is really important. The future going to be so much the better for what can be offered here.

I started to speak and soon got into my flow, the slides kept coming and soon in what seemed a blink of an eye, 25 minutes were done. The slides were mobile and engaging and on 2 giant screens so I hoped that no one noticed my papers too much. Then the wait for questions, were there going to be any? In fact there were several. All the questions were informed and showed interest.

I left the lecture theatre following several off stage conversations feeling exhausted but happy. My time here was done. People were interested. The word is getting out and for this alone I am one happy lady.

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